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How to Pass the KCNA Exam - Mastering Kubernetes Fundamentals and Cloud-Native Concepts



The Kubernetes Certified Network Associate (KCNA) certification is a highly sought-after pre-professional credential designed for candidates interested in advancing their careers in the world of Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies. The KCNA exam serves as a stepping stone towards attaining a deeper understanding of the cloud native ecosystem, with a specific focus on Kubernetes. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help you successfully pass the KCNA certification exam. We will focus on the key topics included in the syllabus, which comprises Kubernetes Fundamentals, Container Orchestration, Cloud Native Architecture, Cloud Native Observability, and Cloud Native Application Delivery.

Understanding the Syllabus

The KCNA certification aims to provide a foundational understanding of Kubernetes networking and essential cloud-native concepts. The syllabus covers various areas, each carrying a specific weightage:

  • Kubernetes Fundamentals (46%): This section assesses your knowledge of core Kubernetes concepts, including container management, pods, deployments, and services. Understanding these fundamentals is crucial for building a strong foundation in Kubernetes networking.

  • Container Orchestration (22%): This section covers container networking, container scheduling, and scaling applications, which form the backbone of Kubernetes' orchestration capabilities.

  • Cloud Native Architecture (16%): Cloud-native architecture emphasizes designing applications specifically for cloud environments. Topics include microservices, service mesh, and cloud-native infrastructure.

  • Cloud Native Observability (8%): Observability is vital for monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintaining a healthy Kubernetes cluster. This section covers logging, monitoring, and tracing of applications and infrastructure.

  • Cloud Native Application Delivery (8%): This section focuses on deploying and managing applications in a cloud-native environment. It includes topics like continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and blue-green deployments

Exam Format

The KCNA certification exam is a multiple-choice exam with 60 questions. Candidates have a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes (1hr:30mins) to complete the exam. However, it's important to note that some candidates may find the exam to be less time-consuming, depending on their familiarity with the concepts and their prior experience with CKA and CKAD certifications.

Online Proctored Exam

The KCNA exam is conducted as an online proctored exam. This means that candidates can take the exam remotely from the comfort of their homes or offices. A proctor will monitor the exam session to ensure the integrity and security of the exam process.

Passing Score

To obtain the KCNA certification, candidates are required to achieve a passing score of 75 per cent. This score reflects a solid understanding of Kubernetes networking and cloud-native concepts as evaluated by the exam.

Kodekloud Course and Practice Tests

Our successful candidate gained a competitive edge by enrolling in the Kodekloud Course on KCNA. The course provided in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with practice tests, offering a structured approach to understanding Kubernetes networking and cloud-native principles. Leveraging this resource, the candidate quickly grasped the key concepts, leading to their strong performance in the actual exam.

Moreover, the candidate's prior experience with the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certifications served as a solid foundation. Familiarity with Kubernetes concepts made the KCNA exam feel easier, and the candidate confidently approached each section of the syllabus.

Hands-on Experience (Optional but Beneficial)

While hands-on experience is not mandatory to pass the KCNA certification, it can be highly beneficial for reinforcing your understanding of Kubernetes networking and cloud-native principles. Setting up a lab environment to practice networking tasks, deploy applications, and implement various cloud-native concepts using tools like Minikube can deepen your comprehension and practical skills. However, it is important to note that the exam is designed to be accessible for newcomers without hands-on experience.

Exam Preparation Tips

With the syllabus breakdown in mind, focus your preparation on the following areas:

Kubernetes Fundamentals and Container Orchestration: Master the basics of Kubernetes, container management, and orchestration concepts.

Cloud Native Architecture: Understand the principles of cloud-native application design and the advantages it offers.

Cloud Native Observability: Learn how to monitor and troubleshoot applications and infrastructure in a cloud-native environment.

Cloud Native Application Delivery: Familiarize yourself with the CI/CD pipelines and application deployment strategies used in cloud-native setups.


Passing the KCNA certification is attainable for newcomers to Kubernetes and cloud-native concepts, and prior experience with CKA or CKAD can serve as an advantage. By following this comprehensive guide, utilizing the Kodekloud Course on KCNA, and leveraging your existing knowledge, you'll be well-prepared to excel in the exam and obtain your KCNA certification. Whether you have hands-on experience or are starting fresh, good luck on your journey to becoming a certified Kubernetes network associate!