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Keyset Pagination




Pagination is a critical component in modern applications, enabling the efficient retrieval and display of large datasets by breaking them down into manageable chunks. Traditionally, limit and offset-based pagination has been the go-to solution, but it comes with significant drawbacks, especially as datasets grow. An alternative approach, keyset pagination, addresses many of these limitations and provides a more efficient and robust way to paginate data.

Understanding Limit and Offset Pagination

Limit and offset pagination is a straightforward approach commonly used in applications to retrieve subsets of data. This method is intuitive and easy to implement, making it a popular choice for developers.

How It Works

The concept of limit and offset pagination revolves around specifying two main parameters:

  • Limit: The number of records to retrieve in a single request.
  • Offset: The starting point in the dataset from which records should be retrieved.

For example, consider a SQL query:


This query fetches 10 records starting from the 21st record. The offset tells the database to skip the first 20 records and then return the next 10.

Drawbacks of Limit and Offset

While limit and offset pagination is simple, it has several significant drawbacks, especially as datasets grow:

  1. Performance Issues with Large Offsets:

    • Database Scanning: As the offset increases, the database has to scan through a growing number of records before reaching the desired starting point. This results in slower query performance, particularly with large datasets. For instance, fetching records starting from the 10,000th row requires scanning through the first 9,999 rows, which can be inefficient.
  2. Inconsistent Results:

    • Data Changes: In dynamic applications where data changes frequently, such as social media feeds or e-commerce listings, using offset pagination can lead to inconsistencies. If a new record is inserted or an existing record is deleted between page requests, the same record might appear on two different pages, or a record might be skipped entirely.
  3. High Resource Consumption:

    • Inefficient Resource Use: Offset-based pagination can consume significant resources because the database must count and skip over rows, even if they're not included in the result set. This can lead to inefficient use of database resources and increased load times, especially when dealing with complex queries and large datasets.
  4. Lack of Scalability:

    • Performance Degradation: As the dataset grows, the performance and resource consumption issues become more pronounced, making it challenging to scale applications using limit and offset pagination. For high-traffic applications, this can result in slow response times and poor user experiences.

Keyset Pagination

Keyset pagination, also known as cursor-based pagination, offers a more efficient approach by using a unique identifier from the dataset, often a timestamp or primary key, to paginate records. Instead of specifying an offset, the query retrieves records starting after the last record of the previous page.

How Keyset Pagination Works

Instead of using an offset, keyset pagination utilizes a cursor, typically the value of a unique or indexed column, to mark the position of the last record on the current page. For instance, a query like:

SELECT * FROM records WHERE id > last_id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10;

This query fetches the next 10 records after the last id from the previous page.

Benefits of Keyset Pagination

  1. Improved Performance:

    • Index Utilization: Since the database can use indexes to jump directly to the starting point of the next page, keyset pagination is significantly faster, particularly for large datasets. It avoids the costly operation of counting and skipping rows, leading to quicker query execution times.
    • O(1) Time Complexity: Keyset pagination has a time complexity of O(1) for fetching the next page, compared to O(n) for limit and offset when n is large.
  2. Consistent Results:

    • Stable Pagination: Keyset pagination provides more stable and consistent results, even when the underlying data changes between requests. Since it relies on a unique identifier, it avoids the issues of overlapping or missing records, ensuring that users see a consistent view of the data.
    • Snapshot Isolation: It can effectively handle scenarios where data is frequently updated, as it fetches records based on their unique identifiers rather than their positions in the dataset.
  3. Reduced Resource Usage:

    • Efficient Resource Use: By leveraging indexes, keyset pagination reduces the workload on the database, minimizing resource consumption and leading to quicker query execution times. This efficiency is particularly important in high-traffic applications where performance is critical.
  4. Scalability:

    • Handling Large Datasets: As datasets grow, keyset pagination remains efficient and scalable. It allows applications to handle large volumes of data without degradation in performance, making it ideal for systems with high traffic and frequent data updates.

When to Use Keyset Pagination

While keyset pagination offers many advantages, it may not be suitable for every scenario. Here are some considerations for its use:

  • Dataset Changes: If your data changes frequently and you need consistent pagination results, keyset pagination is an excellent choice. It ensures that users see a consistent view of the data, even as records are added or removed.

  • Large Datasets: For large datasets where performance is a concern, keyset pagination can provide a significant speed boost. By leveraging indexes, it can efficiently handle large volumes of data without sacrificing performance.

  • Unique Sorting Criteria: If your data can be ordered by a unique or indexed column, keyset pagination can be effectively implemented. It requires a stable sort order, typically based on a primary key or timestamp.

Use Cases

Keyset pagination is particularly well-suited for scenarios where data is dynamic, and performance is critical. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Social Media Feeds:

    • Endless Scrolling: Displaying endless scrolling feeds where new posts are constantly added, ensuring that users see updates consistently. For example, fetching the next set of posts in a user's timeline based on the created_at timestamp.
    • Real-time Updates: Handling frequent updates and ensuring users see the latest content without inconsistencies.
  2. E-commerce Listings:

    • Product Listings: Paginating product listings where the number of products may frequently change due to stock updates or new arrivals. Ensuring users see a consistent view of available products, sorted by a unique identifier such as product ID.
    • Dynamic Inventory: Handling scenarios where products are frequently added or removed from the catalog.
  3. Activity Logs:

    • Audit Trails: Navigating through logs or audit trails where the entries are vast and often updated. Keyset pagination allows efficient navigation through large volumes of log data based on unique timestamps.
    • Efficient Log Analysis: Providing a consistent view of log entries, even as new entries are added in real-time.
  4. Messaging Applications:

    • Chat Conversations: Displaying chat messages in a conversation thread, ensuring users see a consistent view of messages, ordered by a timestamp or message ID.
    • Efficient Message Retrieval: Handling large volumes of chat data with minimal latency.

Implementation Considerations

Implementing keyset pagination requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure optimal performance and reliability:

Choosing the Right Cursor

  • Unique and Indexed: The cursor column should be unique and ideally indexed to ensure optimal performance. Common choices include primary keys or timestamp fields. The choice of cursor impacts both performance and consistency.

  • Handling Gaps: Be aware of potential gaps in IDs or timestamps that might affect pagination logic. This can be managed with additional checks or fallback mechanisms to handle missing or out-of-order records.

Complex Queries

  • Multi-Column Cursors: In cases where a single column isn’t sufficient, you might need to use a combination of columns to form a composite cursor. For example, using both created_at and id to ensure a stable sort order.

  • Backward Pagination: Implementing backward pagination can be more complex, requiring careful management of cursor states and query logic. Backward pagination involves fetching previous pages and requires maintaining additional state information.

  • Handling Edge Cases: Consider edge cases such as duplicate values or out-of-order records that might affect pagination logic. Implement fallback mechanisms to ensure reliable navigation through data.


Keyset pagination is a powerful alternative to traditional limit and offset pagination, offering improved performance, consistency, and scalability for modern applications. By leveraging unique identifiers and indexes, it provides a robust solution for navigating large datasets, especially in environments where data changes frequently or performance is critical.

Whether you’re dealing with social media feeds, e-commerce sites, or any other application requiring efficient data navigation, keyset pagination is a valuable tool to consider. By understanding its advantages and implementation details, you can harness its power to build more responsive and reliable applications.

For developers looking to optimize their applications, adopting keyset pagination can lead to significant benefits, enhancing both user experience and system efficiency. As datasets grow and applications scale, keyset pagination ensures that performance remains robust and consistent, delivering a superior experience for users.

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